We got new batteries and put our wildlife camera back out a couple of weeks ago. It is motion activated and uses infrared light to take pictures in the dark. We bought it as a Christmas gift for ourselves last year in December and had it out until early this summer. We totally enjoyed it last winter and caught pictures of lots of deer and some smaller animals, like racoons and birds.
We attract the deer by putting out corn for them. You may know that hunters lure deer close to their deer blinds by putting out corn for them. We, of course, have NO intention of shooting them, except with a camera!
I was somewhat surprised (and disappointed) last year that we caught no pictures of coyotes on the camera because we hear them often at night and many times they sound very close by. So, you can imagine my delight this afternoon when I brought the camera in and found we had captured a coyote on film (digital film that is). Here he/she is:
There were 3 other pictures of a coyote, probably the same one, taken on different days and times. We also had pictures of deer.
And finally, Sally, the dog, and Marmaduke, the cat, got in on the action.
I'm looking forward to seeing what other animals we catch this year. It should be fun. I'll keep you informed.
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