This is going to have to be a quick post tonight because it is getting late and I've got tons of things to finish up. However, I wanted to share something that I've learned quite by accident.
If you have ever tried to store cut basil in your refrigerator, then you know that it will not last very long in the frig. Even when sealed in zip-lock bags, it will turn brown after a few days. So, here is a better way to keep it fresh longer.
Simply cut the stems so they are 3-4 inches long and put them in a jar of water on your kitchen counter. It will keep for days this way. In fact, the stems will begin to grow roots after a while and you could, if you so desire, stick them into pots of soil and have yourself new basil plants. The problem is, if you are like me by this time of the summer, you already have all the basil you need and don't need any new plants!
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