Last fall we invested in the following piece of equipment.
It was billed as a "manure" spreader, but we bought it to spread compost instead. Before we got it, the process of spreading compost was quite laborious and involved hauling compost to the field with the truck and then unloading it by hand with a shovel. This has made our lives a lot easier.
Notice that it hooks on the back of our riding lawnmower. Tom then uses the tractor to scoop compost into it.
The spreader has paddles that rotate and throw the compost out while it is running. There is a belt on the floor of the hopper that moves the compost from front to back where the paddles are located.
Here's a picture of it in action. Tom is using it to spread compost between the rows of tomato trellises.
In another 2 or 3 weeks, we'll set out the tomato plants we have grown from seed. Then, we'll be waiting in anticipation for those first ripe tomatoes of the season. My mouth is drooling already!
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