Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Deer Damage

Earlier this spring I posted a picture of a deer taken by our wildlife camera.   We put the camera away early in the summer and will probably put it back up this fall.  Anyway, we've not seen any deer this summer, but we have seen evidence of them.

Tom was showing me a pepper plant that looked like it had the top stems cut off with clippers.   Here is what I am talking about.

I would not have believed that this was done by deer until he showed me incriminating evidence, a deer track!

I don't mind sharing a few pepper leaves with the deer. They really don't hurt the plants much.  In fact, it seems that it might spur the plants to produce more growth.

The odd thing is that deer apparently like some types of pepper plants and not others.  The pepper plant above is an Anaheim pepper.  And, they have eaten the tops off of several of these.   However, there is a row of Jalepeno peppers right beside these that have not been touched!  I find that rather amusing.  I have this picture in my mind of these deer strolling through the field as if they are sampling items on a salad bar.

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