Saturday, February 11, 2017

Turnip Chips

Who likes turnips?  They are not the favorite food of most folks.  My mother used to cook them and mash them, like mashed potatoes with lots of butter, and that is how I learned to cook them.   They were never a favorite with my husband and kids.  In fact, I was the only one who would eat them, but never the less, it seems I have to have my turnip "fix" a couple of times a year.  So, my sweet husband dutifully plants some for me every year.  Here are the ones he planted last fall.

Well, that is what they looked like before we had the really cold spells in December and January.  I dug a bunch of them.  I cooked some of them and gave some of them away to friends who wanted them.  Not everyone wanted them.  ðŸ˜”  

Fortunately, turnips keep for weeks in the refrigerator.  I found all kinds of uses for them.  Add them to soups.  Cook them and add them to mashed potatoes.   Dice them with carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other root vegetables, then toss with olive oil, salt and pepper and roast in oven.  Mother would have been amazed at all the ways to use turnips that I have found!

One day, as I was looking for other ways to use them, I ran across directions for drying them.  Hmmmmm, okay.  I got my dehydrator out and got busy.

First step:  wash, peel and thinly slice a bunch.  

Next, toss them in a bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Arrange on drying racks.

Dry at 150 degrees for one hour.  Reduce temperature to 135 and continue drying until they are done.

Store in a jar or freeze.  Believe it or not, after being dried, all those turnips fit into this jar.

They make healthy and tasty treats.