Saturday, August 27, 2011


Over the last couple of years since we moved out here to our farm, I've become enamored with cloud formations.  Maybe it is because there aren't a lot of houses around us and we can see them better than we could in town.  At any rate, I try to take pictures when I see one that I find particularly beautiful or strange.

I have a little camera that I carry in my purse.  It is about the size of a deck of cards.  I'd show you a picture of it, but then I can't use it to take a picture of itself!  However, it takes great pictures, and since it is small enough to carry in my purse, I have it with me most of the time.  I go to work around 7:00am and, during certain times of the year, I am driving to work just when the sun is coming up.  This time of day lends itself to beautiful displays of sunlight on the clouds that happen to be there.  Last spring, I took the following pictures on my way to work in the morning.

This one was taken in April.

And, this one was taken in May.

Just this last week I took the picture below.  This picture was taken at sunset.   These clouds were in the east while the sun was setting in the west.  One of my granddaughters thinks it looks like a huge bear.  Children have such wonderful imaginations!  If you can picture the bear's nose on the right side and the bear's behind on the left side and the "hole" in the cloud as being under the bear's stomach, then I think you can see this too.

Finally, some clouds are just plain strange!  The picture below was taken this past winter after one of our snow storms.

I'm sure there is some sort of meteorological term for whatever caused this.  I emailed it to KFOR in Oklahoma City, but nobody answered.  I probably sent it to the wrong department.  At any rate, if anyone out there knows what caused this, then let me know!

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