Friday, August 17, 2012

Chicken Pen Extension

On May 10, I wrote an entry about the temporary chicken pen that we set up for the chickens to give them some outdoor space.

It was meant to be "temporary" until we (Tom) could get them something better and more permanent built.  But, the farmers' market was in full swing by then and Tom had no extra time to devote to it. 

By the time August rolled around, I was beginning to think the little temporary pen was going to have to do until this winter when we had more time!  However, our son, Nathan, and his family came to spend the weekend a couple of weeks ago and he decided the chicken pen would be a good project for him and his Dad to do while he was here.  His enthusiasm gave new life to the project and I am proud to say that the chickens now have a much bigger pen!

Among the things that needed to be done was to set a couple of posts so we could put up a gate.  These were set in concrete and Tom built a gate to go on one of them.

They also put taller posts in the middle of the pen to hold up the bird netting they strung across the top.  I wish we could just let the chickens roam free, but are afraid hawks will swoop down and get them.  

Finally, they lined the inside of the pen with some old landscaping blocks a previous owner had left on the place.  Why do this?  Well, for one thing the chickens are pretty bad about digging holes.  I know this is hard to believe and I'm not sure I would have believed it myself until I saw it.  But they will scratch and wallow out large holes in their pen.  Like most birds, they like to take dust baths and, when the weather is dry, these holes make perfect places where they can flap around and stir up dust.  I have read the dust helps to eliminate mites and other parasites in their feathers.  Since some of these holes are pretty large, the blocks around the edge keep them from wallowing out holes along the fence edge that would give predators a way get in.

The chickens love the extra space and enjoy exploring this extension to their small world.  They patrol the edges and inspect every blade of grass.  And, heaven help the poor, hapless bug that ventures into their domain.

Also, you should never go into their pen with painted toenails and wearing sandals.  Toes are tempting targets for their sharp little beaks!  I learned the hard way.  

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