Friday, April 30, 2010

Yikes! Snake!

If you work out in your garden much at all, then I'm sure you have run across them.  You pick up a flower pot that has been sitting in one spot a long time or turn over a brick and there it is....a snake!  Why is it that even though I know it is harmless and is more than likely just as startled by me as I am by it, but my first impulse is always to SCREAM.  Most of the snakes I run across are these little, grayish black snakes that sometimes look more like large earthworms than snakes.   Here is a picture of one I found this week.
I'm sure if my daughter-in-law reads this she will more than likely have a fit at the idea that I actually picked this one up and put it in this bucket.  Angela, if it makes you feel any better, I did have leather gloves on!

I've found quite a few of these little snakes out here on the farm and got to wondering what kind they were.  So, I did a little research and found this web site that has a lot of good information about Oklahoma snakes:

If you click on the "Solid" tab and scroll down the page, you find that this is a "Rough Earth" snake.

1 comment:

  1. You are right! I can't stand snakes. But very educational post!

