Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I bought some sunflower seed this spring and then found some old sunflower seed that we had in our "stash".  The stash is a couple of ziplock bags full of packets of seed that we only partially used or packets that we bought and never got around to planting.  At any rate, I had several packets of sunflower seed that I wanted to plant this spring. 

The trouble is that I am very bad at planning and really did not have anywhere in my garden to plant the sunflowers.  So, Tom came to my aid and found a spot out in one of the fields where I could plant them .... a strip along the side of where he planted the peppers.  I planted a long row.

I don't go out there very often because, well, I'm lazy and just don't want to walk that far especially if it is hot, like it has been lately.  So, I kind of forgot about the sunflowers until Tom brought one it to me this week.  It is huge and beautiful!  Here it is:

I'm debating whether to cut some of them and take them to the Market to sell or to keep them all to myself.  Hmmmm.....this is a hard decision.

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